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The Ant and the Dove (With QR code)

The Goddess and the Cat (2nd Edition) (With QR code)

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox (With QR code)

The Wolf and the Goat (With QR code)

The Wild Boar and the Fox (With QR code)

The Cat and the Mice (With QR code)

The Hawk and the Nightingale (With QR code)

The Wolf and the Crane (With QR code)

The Bundle of Sticks (2nd Edition) (With QR code)

The Fox and the Woodcutter (With QR code)

The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox (With QR code)

The Ants and the Grasshopper (2nd Edition)

The Fishermans Wife (2nd Edition)

The Fox and the Little Red Hen

The Jungle Book

The Little Match Girl

The Little Mermaid (2nd Edition)

The Musicians of Bremen

The Sorcerer΄s Apprentice

Rose White and Rose Red (2nd Edition)

The Story of Chicken-Licken

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (2nd Edition)

The Ugly Duckling (2nd Edition)

The Mice in Council

The Four Oxen and The Lion

The Shepherd and the Wolf

The Sick Lion

The Farmer and His Sons

The Fox and the Crane

The Gnat and the Lion

The Woman and Her Hen

The Frog and the Ox

The Sparrow and the Hare

The Tortoise and the Birds

The Boy Who Cried Wolf (2nd Edition)

Dick Whittington and His Cat

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Puss-in-Boots(2nd Edition)

The Country Mouse and the City Mouse

The Fox and the Cat (With QR code)

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